Case Details


United States


The City of Stuysevant Town

age group


User Capacity


Activating New York City with Innovative Outdoor Fitness

How do you meet the needs of retirees, college students, and working moms? At Stuyvesant Town on the lower east side of Manhattan, in New York City, they are doing it with outdoor fitness. StuyTown wanted to modernize their outdoor common space to activate residents of all ages. An asphalt lot used for roller hockey was transformed into a modern outdoor fitness playground.

Stuytown(1) Video Thumb
Outdoor Fitness Equipment has been around for a long time, but it´s not organized or designed in a way like we have done here.

Gail Wittver-Laird, Landscape Architect Starr Whitehouse

Case - Stuytown Fitness Playground - Image 1 - Stuytown14
Case - Stuytown Fitness Playground - Image 2 - Stuytown Unknown New York US ParkRec FAZ230500 FAZ30700 FSW216
Case - Stuytown Fitness Playground - Image 3 -
Case - Stuytown Fitness Playground - Image 4 - 20181012 102613 1539631573178
Stuytown Unknown New York US ParkRec FSW215 FSW214 FSW213 FSW216 FST104 FST105
 Stuytown Unknown New York US ParkRec FSW204 FAZ10101 FSW216 FSW213 FSW214

Designed to Modernize the Community

StuyTown Fitness Playground combines new innovative equipment and the most popular fitness activities to create an outdoor activity space that can motivate and challenge people of all ages and ability levels. The space is designed with four zones, each focusing on a specific activity with either high or low intensity. A 1/12 mile walking or running loop surrounds the four zones to make the activity space complete. The activities - outdoor functional training stations, outdoor cardio machines, strength training and obstacle course racing - enable people to develop their balance, strength and endurance in a full body workout.

It is not only a space where people come to work out as individuals, but it is also a space where they come together as a community with their family, friends, and neighbors.

Joy of movement: motor skills, muscle, cardio and bone density
Joy of being together: teamwork, tolerance and sense of belonging

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