Product News

Spinner Disc

Children on a playground spinning on a new Spinner Disc

A thrilling, yet challenging, play option

Calling all thrillseekers! - The Spinner Disc offers a unique level of excitement to the playground that will bring out a child's inner daredevil. Children can lie, sit, or stand on the spinning play piece while participating in cooperative play and challenging each other to keep going around and around.

Children playing on the KOMPAN Spinner Disc

Play for all

An inclusive spinner

No matter your abilities, the act of spinning is a fun thrill. The Spinner Disc is designed to be easily accessible for children using wheelchairs and walkers, and when on the spinner, there is plenty of room to lie down or sit together with friends or a caretaker.

The Spinner Disc is being used by children of all abilities
A child holding onto the center piece of the Spinner Disc

Hold on tight

The half sphere in the center of the Spinner Disc is designed to give children a sense of security as they challenge themselves to keep spinning.

Tilted design

The Spinner Disc sits at a 7-degree angle, which adds an exhilarating level of excitement.

Children on a playground spinning on a new Spinner Disc

Built to last

The ring is molded in one piece with integrated metal thread bushings and water drain holes to ensure high durability in all climates around the world.

Excitement and smiles all around


The perks of spinning equipment

Spinning may be a simple activity, but the benefits of spinning are far from simple. We'd even say all playgrounds, parks, and schoolyards should have a minimum of one spinning play item - it's fun for all ages, and it's good for child development.

Learn more in the whitepaper from our play experts at KOMPAN Play Institute.

Kids working together to spin around on the Spinner Disc

View the sustainable, low-carbon option

Available in GreenLine

The Spinner Disc is available in a more sustainable version where the ring is made of 34.3% recycled waste materials. We use household waste and worn-out fishing nets as waste sources.

The sustainable, low-carbon version of the Spinner Disc

Looking for more spinners and carousels?

Kids playing together on spinning playground equipment

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