Playground services

Playground safety inspection

two girl climbing on playground equipment in a park

What is a playground safety inspection?

A playground safety inspection is an assessment of play areas, carried out by certified professionals, to ensure the safety of children. Through thorough evaluation, playground equipment and surfacing are checked against stringent safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents. These systematic assessments act as a proactive defense, safeguarding against potential hazards and maintaining a safe play area for every child.

The importance of safety inspections

According to the Children's Safety Network, consistent safety monitoring is essential, as playground-related emergencies are significant, with over 200,000 visits to emergency rooms annually in the United States.

Through detailed analysis of equipment and surfacing conditions, inspectors can effectively identify and address risks, improving the safety and overall experience for children.

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Reducing playground-related incidents

It's no secret playground incidents occur. However, by conducting consistent playground inspections and taking necessary, corrective actions, you can help to reduce these occurrences and keep children safe.

Beneath you can see the most common playground-related injuries by hazard:

  • Fall: 44%

  • Equipment-related: 23%

  • Incidental: 8%

  • Collision: 7%

  • Entrapment: 7%

  • Other: 11%

O’Brien, C. W. (2009). Injuries and Investigated Deaths Associated with Playground Equipment, 2001-2008 (Vol. 280, p. 24). Bethesda, MD. doi:10.1111/febs.12425

a boy and a girl having fun on spinning playground equipment

Best practices for playground inspections

    • Review of Equipment: Systematically examine all playground elements against current local and national safety regulations, such as ASTM standards.

    • Maintenance and Repair: Identify and schedule necessary maintenance or repair to uphold safety integrity.

    • Accessibility Audit: Confirm the playground is in compliance with ADA standards. This will ensure the playground is accessible for children of all abilities. You can learn more about inclusive playground design here.

    • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed inspection records to track compliance and facilitate future audits.

    • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to ensure adherence to safety guidelines, as compliance is not static; it evolves with updates in safety protocols and playground standards.

    • Professional Services: Utilize professional playground inspection services to maintain the highest level of safety.

Inspection Types and Frequency

Playground inspections integrate a hierarchy of analyses, including daily or weekly visual checks, monthly or quarterly operational surveys, and detailed bi-annual or annual inspections. Each tier performs a crucial role:

  • Daily or weekly checks address immediate concerns, including trash and vandalism.

  • Monthly or quarterly operational surveys focus on wear and tear that affect the playground's structural integrity and reliability.

  • Bi-annual or annual inspections are conducted by certified professionals who scrutinize every aspect of the playground's condition, guided by industry standards.

These different assessments are methodically scheduled to mitigate risks and ensure sustained playground safety. The frequency of each depends on a number of factors, including age of the equipment, equipment usage, and likelihood of vandalism. If you are unsure how often you should be conducting these various inspections, our team of experts can help you determine the right cadence for your playground.

playground inspectors conducting a safety check on a playground

Routine playground safety checklist

Routine safety checks are essential for identifying immediate hazards that could compromise child safety. These inspections should be conducted frequently to mitigate emergent risks. We have compiled a 7-step routine safety checklist below:

Conduct a Visual Survey
Scan the playground for safety hazards like broken glass or toxic substances.
Perform a Surface Inspection
Ensure safety surfaces are well-maintained and adequately cushioned to prevent injuries.
Examine Playground Equipment
Inspect all playground equipment for signs of wear, vandalism, or damage.
Inspect All Hardware
Check all bolts, screws, and connectors for tightness and absence of corrosion.
Test Equipment Stability
Apply gentle force to swings, slides, and other structures to test their stability.
Look for any gaps or protrusions
Verify that there are no gaps or protrusions where children's clothing or limbs could be caught.
Review Supervision Lines
Ensure caregivers have a clear line of sight to effectively watch children at play.

Comprehensive annual playground audits

Ensuring playground safety is paramount; comprehensive annual audits serve as critical checkpoints. You can reach out to your local playground expert if you need help conduction and annual inspection.

Contact your local playground expert
Review Documentation
Examine past inspection reports and maintenance records for any outstanding issues.
Analyze Equipment Thoroughly
Perform a detailed check of all playground equipment for structural soundness and compliance with safety standards.
Assess Surfacing
Inspect the condition and safety compliance of impact-absorbing surfaces based on industry guidelines.
Audit Accessibility
Verify that the playground adheres to all necessary inclusivity and accessibility standards.
Identify Risks
Actively search for and document potential safety hazards.
Develop an Action Plan
Formulate a comprehensive strategy to address identified safety concerns and improve overall safety.

Benefits of hiring professional playground inspectors

Hiring a certified playground safety inspector can greatly improve both the safety and longevity of playgrounds. These playground specialists use their expert knowledge to meet current safety standards and spot potential risks early. Their insights also help guide ongoing maintenance efforts, which can extend the life of the playground equipment and keep safety measures up-to-date.

Factors affecting equipment & surfacing


Over time, playground surfacing and equipment inevitably degrade due to exposure to environmental condition. Materials, coatings, and fasteners suffer fatigue, deteriorating beneath the surface in ways not always visible. Similarly, even the highest quality surfaces can degrade over time, exposing children to greater risk of injury.


Repeated use plays a large role in equipment and surfacing degradation. As such, high-traffic playgrounds will inevitably need more frequent inspections than lower traffic play areas to ensure a safe environment.

Equipment size & type

Larger, more complex pieces of equipment require increased attention over smaller, simpler equipment types. With these larger pieces comes more nuts and bolts, increasing the possibility that something will become loose – even with normal use. Inspect these areas more regularly to maintain their structural integrity.


Unfortunately, playgrounds are sometimes the target of vandalism. As such, you'll want to be sure you conduct more frequent checks in areas that encounter higher rates of these crimes.

How do I make sure my playground is safe?

Ensuring the safety of your playground is important. By following a few key guidelines, you can create a secure environment for children to play and explore.

  • First and foremost, it is essential to choose playground equipment that meets safety standards and guidelines. Look for equipment that is certified by reputable organizations, such as the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA), ensuring it has been tested for safety and durability.

  • Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your playground safe. Conduct a safety audit at least once per year, or even more frequently, for any signs of wear and tear, such as loose bolts or cracked surfaces. Any issues should be promptly addressed and repaired to prevent accidents.

  • In addition to maintenance, providing a soft and impact-absorbing surface beneath the playground equipment is vital. Materials such as rubber mulch, engineered wood fibers, or synthetic turf can help cushion falls and reduce the risk of severe injuries.

  • Furthermore, installing appropriate safety features, such as guardrails, handrails, and barriers, can help prevent falls and ensure the overall safety of the playground.

  • It is also crucial to establish clear rules and guidelines for playground usage. Educate children and caregivers about how to play safely, including concepts like sharing equipment, taking turns, and being mindful of others.

Remember, the safety of your playground is a shared responsibility. By taking these measures, you can create an enjoyable and secure play space for children to embark on countless adventures while minimizing the risk of injuries.

Looking for a playground inspection specialist?

At KOMPAN, safety is out top priority. Fill in your contact details, and we will get back to you soon.