Design Idea
Park Games
MUGA Solution
In a corner of the local park, this exciting sports area is perfect for kids, teens and adults alike. It’s a place where fun and ball games run wild and energy knows no bounds. The goals and courts invite children to engage in thrilling football and basketball matches, while the unique baskets add a fun twist to their playtime. This dynamic space not only promotes physical activity but also fosters friendships and teamwork. It’s a spot where kids can laugh, play and grow together, making it an invaluable asset to the local community’s lively spirit.
Movimiento: habilidades motoras, musculatura, cardio y densidad óseaCognitivo
Aprendizaje: curiosidad, comprensión de las relaciones interpersonales y conocimiento del mundoSocio-emocional
El placer de estar juntos: trabajo en equipo, tolerancia y sentido de pertenenciaCreativo
Creatividad: co-creación y experimentación con materialesProductos de esta solución.
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