Inspirational Playground Concept

The Pine Tree and Mushrooms

"The Pine Tree and Mushrooms playground is a beautiful and playful forest for children of all ages and abilities. Here they can discover intriguing climbs between leaves and branches, and find their way to the top from where they can enjoy a big thrilling slide down ..."

Play Designer, KOMPAN Design Studio

The Pine Tree and Mushrooms - LARGE

Finding forest fun

A ramp allows for easy access to the fun play activities on the Pine Tree and Mushrooms playground. While the rope bridge will challenge children's motor skills, the hang out area underneath the tree will support social skills while hanging out with friends. The cute mushrooms with the house structure encourage children to engage in dramatic play and storytelling.


Pine Tree: 5-12 | Large Mushroom: 2-6

Max. fall height:

Pine Tree: 238cm | Large Mushroom: 100cm

Total height:

Pine Tree: 551cm | Large Mushroom: 269cm

Fall space dimensions:

Pine Tree: 1870x1380cm | Large Mushroom: 780x910cm

Inspirational playgrounds from KOMPAN Design Studio are conceptual and can serve as a starting point for your specific play design. Our skilled designers at KOMPAN Design Studio can take any idea or concept and create an architectural gem for you.

The inspirational playground concept shown here is designed by KOMPAN Design Studio. The playground structure is completely customised and therefore final designs and data will depend on regional safety standards. Contact your local office for more information.

The Pine Tree and Mushrooms - LEFT
The Pine Tree and Mushrooms - RIGHT

Turning themes, ideas and stories into playgrounds

KOMPAN Design Studio

For more than a decade, we have built tailor-made and highly unique playgrounds that WOW children and adults to come and play. Our playgrounds can come in a range of themes and can be localised and thematised to your local area and community, or to fit a specific environment. No matter the theme all our units are packed full of play value. The play structures are made of highly durable and vandalism-resistant materials that make them last for decades to come. Also, they are safe and certifiable like all products we have built over the past 50 years.

Loaded with play activities

A thrilling ride

The tall slide enables a stomach-tickling ride, stimulating children’s sense of balance and training their core muscles.

We are the forest people

The mushroom theme with the house structure encourages children to use their imagination. It allows children to engage in dramatic play and storytelling and helps to develop their language and communication skills.

Crossing over

The net bridge develops children’s sense of balance, cross-coordination and spatial awareness. The bridge provides an opportunity for social interaction with children on and outside the bridge and supports turn-taking skills when children pass each other.

Tree top climbing

Climbing to the top of the tree trains children’s physical strength and cross-coordination. This impacts the coordination of the right and left part of the brain, fundamental for skills such as reading.

Playing "house" and "home"

The doors and windows encourage sharing and cooperation on both sides and supports the theme - this is a theme children are familiar with and will feel at ease with.

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to see this playground?

This playground is an inspirational playground designed by KOMPAN Design Studio. The playground has not been built, but is drafted for conceptual purpose to inspire you to make your special place come true.

Is it possible to make changes to this playground?

Yes! Because this playground is made as an inspirational design concept and hasn't been built, we are able to make changes to the design and to customise it to your specific needs.

Are there many play activities on this playground?

Yes! All our KOMPAN Design Studio inspirational playgrounds are full of play activities that develop body, mind and friendships.

This is our way of making sure that the children are wowed to come to the playground and play, are motivated to keep playing and come back again and again, and while playing develop physical, social, cognitive and creative life skills.

Is this playground inclusive?

Yes! Playgrounds should be inclusive and offer play for all, that’s the KOMPAN philosophy. We work with universal design to ensure that children of all abilities, including children with disabilities, can participate in the play and enjoy thrilling play.

Is this playground durable?

Yes! All KOMPAN playgrounds are built to withstand decades of weather and usage.

Our engineers carefully calculate the static strength of each playground structure, and our production uses only the highest quality materials. Fifty years of testing through play around the world has given us extensive knowledge on how to achieve extreme durability. This results in minimal downtime and a low total cost of ownership. For generations of children, this means endless hours of play.

Is this playground safe and certifiable?

Yes! All KOMPAN inspirational playground equipment is safe and certifiable - as is every product we have designed for more than 50 years.

At KOMPAN we have, since 1970, developed outdoor play equipment that stimulates and challenges children, with safety as the paramount consideration. Every part of the design, engineering, production and construction process is geared to ingrain safety into the final products that are certifiable by TÜV.

How to install a playground like this?

At KOMPAN we turn ideas into reality - all the way from defining the playground concept until the playground is installed.

Building a playground is not child’s play. It is a major construction. From clearing the area for foundations to finishing off the site, it involves heavy equipment, extensive materials, complex products and expert knowledge. All these factors must be precisely coordinated to avoid delays. Our expert teams have done it many times and are happy to take this load off your shoulders.

Ultimate architectural freedom

Custom Playground Equipment

See what our designers can do

kompan design studio custom playgrounds and landmarks

Want to know more about Inspirational Playground Concepts?

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