Playground rope bridges: a walkway to fun!

The Corocord™ playground rope bridges are elementary structures that carry fun to any playground! It’s not just about the thrilling height; it’s also about getting there, daring to step on the ropes, and peaking at the ground below. Everything is moving and shaking, and the uncertain feeling gives everyone the giggles. Hang from the bottom of the Rope Net Bridge or climb on the roof of the Rope Tunnel Bridge. Imagine being a rope artist on the Coconut Rope Bridge or taking a gentle walk on the wooden slats, but watch out! Another user can shake things up for you – what fun! 

"Cross that bridge" and explore our playground suspension bridges below!

    Explore more COROCORD™ Rope Playgrounds

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    Kids climbing over a Corocord rope net trail

    Monkey Trails

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    Monkey Trails Mini

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    Corocord Concepts

    Need tips for planning a playground?

    A team planning and reviewing a playground site.

    Why KOMPAN Play Bridges?

    The secrets of our Corocord™ range are woven into our rope. With patented technology, the synthetic yarn is inductively melted on the steel strands in the core, minimizing the risk of fraying rope from wear and tear. It's an excellence in form that lends to decades of fun! 

    Resembling his big brothers, the spectacular Small Playground Suspension Bridge and geometric climbing frame playground offer everybody fun while running and jumping on the rubber belt. Plus, play bridges look like architectural masterpieces! Commercial playground suspension bridges inspire children to learn, explore, and play outdoors in an original way.   

    You can also incorporate playground rope bridges into your playground by choosing large rope playground structures or climbing nets for your playground.

    If you want to help children "bridge the gaps" in their motor skills, spatial awareness, and team-player skills while having fun, then KOMPAN playground rope bridges are the product for you! 

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