What are Playground Spinners?

Commercial playground spinners are pieces of spinning playground equipment that rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and thrill children in parks, schoolyards, and playgrounds. Playground spinners and playground carousels are excellent vehicles for physical development, building muscles and bone density. They also push evolving nervous systems into new areas, and spinning further enhances a child's sense of balance, one of the most vital life skills.

Our rotating playground equipment adds innovation to the joy of spinning and attracts children of all ages and abilities. From stand-up Spicas and Supernovas, to sitting in Spinner Bowls or the Tipi Carousel, our spinners allow for a variety of actions, including making new friends by practicing social skills, taking turns and thoughtful sharing.

Let’s spin into joy!

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    Benefits of Playground Spinners

    Children have a natural desire to spin. Even without the freestanding play equipment, they love to twirl around, get dizzy and feel the thrill of spinning.

    Spinning is a crucial component of child development. That dizzying feeling from spinning is important input that helps the child’s nervous system mature.

    Other advantages of playground spinners are:

    Gross motor skills

    By maintaining balance on the spinning playground equipment, and using strength to spin others on the playground carousels, children are developing key gross motor skills.

    Sensory stimulation

    The spinning motion of the merry go round playground equipment provides sensory stimulation, helping children develop awareness.


    Playground spinners provide an opportunity for children to develop their social skills. Cooperation is needed to keep the equipment rotating when the children are playing in groups, and turn taking is a great opportunity to practice patience.


    Spinner playground equipment of various sizes accommodates different age groups and skill levels, making them a versatile addition to any playground.

    How to Choose the Right Rotating Playground Equipment

    Yesterday's carousel playground equipment was in dire need of more explicit safety guidelines. Often, they were made with random standards and qualities, which led to possible safety risks on a playground.

    Today's playground spinners come with: 1) Ways to limit the speed a child can spin 2) Commercial-grade quality and durability requirements 3) Proper distancing between neighboring equipment 4) Mandatory safety surfacing 

    Enjoy the Thrilling Joy of Supernova, Carousels & Spinners

    Children cannot get enough of spinning! Create variety of this favorite sensation by offering spinning playground equipment with graduated rotation options. Spinning is for every child, but only some may enjoy spinning at fast speeds. Whether it's the Multispinner Carousel, the Spinner Bowl or the Starsurfer, our play experts are here to help you find the right type of spinning playground equipment perfect for your user group.

    Combine Spinning Options for all Ages and Abilities

    Spinning playground equipment is very popular. Research suggests that playgrounds with spinners and carousels have more use and physical activity. Spinning enhances a child's sense of balance, and a great sense of balance correlates to better mathematical skills. Make sure to offer spinning playground equipment for all ages and abilities. Rotating playground equipment that allows for both individual and group spinning is also a great way to create merry go round options for everyone.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the proper name for "spinning playground equipment?"

    A roundabout, merry-go-round, playground spinner, or playground carousel: the name may depend on where you live, but whatever you call it, it provides rounds and rounds of fun.

    What happened to the classic merry-go-rounds?

    Many older merry-go-rounds have been removed from playgrounds and replaced with more modern, less dangerous options that are compliant with today's stringent safety standards.

    How do playground carousels work?

    Playground spinners are able to rotate by using the force of a child's body weight. For merry-go-round playground equipment that fits more users, children can hop on and off while the item is spinning and generate momentum by pushing against the ground, and use their body weight in different ways to slow down or accelerate the spinner. 

    Are playground spinners inclusive?

    Spinner playground equipment usually allows for inclusive play. A major factor will be surfacing that allows for accessibility to the actual playground spinner. The right spinning playground equipment is especially beneficial for children with autism. Discover the KOMPAN Play Institute's research-backed findings on inclusive play here.

    Are playground spinners safe?

    Many things can be done to ensure children's safety on a playground carousel. First, make sure your playground spinner is made from commercial-grade materials with industry-leading warranties. This will prevent the equipment from breaking and leading to accidents. Comply with height regulations to prevent falls from dangerous heights. Also, safety handles and flooring will prevent slips and falls off the spinning playground equipment. Ensure there's proper spacing between surrounding playground equipment, and no-running zones around the spinner may avoid accidental hits.

    Do modern playground spinners have speed limitations?

    Yes. Today's merry-go-round playground equipment is designed with ways to limit the speed at which a child can spin.