Escape to the Forest of Fantasy

Robinia Fantasy

wooden fantasy themed play structures with children

Shaped by nature

In the enchanting realm of the fantasy-themed wooden playground structures, Robinia Fantasy, imagination and play intertwine. The quirky expression of the Robinia Fantasy play structures is unique and on nature’s terms. This naturally shaped playground equipment, with crooked signature posts, gets its authentic wood-grain pattern from when it is forested in its natural state. Climb towards the eternal battle between good and evil – or swing to escape the Warlock’s magic spell.

Packed with play value, children of all ages and abilities are in for an intriguing adventure as they explore the magical world of Robinia Fantasy; this fairytale-themed wooden playground will entertain and spellbind for hours.

Explore all enchanted Robinia Fantasy structures below.

Please note that each Robinia Fantasy structure will have its own unique appearance. Shaped by nature, natural variations will occur.

    Explore our nature play categories

     robinia village wooden playhouse reference image

    Robinia Village

    A group of children playing on a large scale natural wooden castle playground

    Robinia Castles

    Children playing on a robinia wood playground ship

    Robinia Ships

    natural playground climbing structure for children robinia reference image

    Robinia Climbing

    Teenagers playing on a robinia and rope obstacle course playground

    Robinia Climbing Trails

    a child playing on a wooden balancing playground reference image

    Robinia Balancing

    a child playing on robinia play systems hoops playground reference image

    Robinia Play Systems

    A child playing at a sand and water station on a playground

    Robinia Sand & Water Play

    robinia swings category reference image children playing on wooden swings

    Robinia Swings

    Excited children playing on a robinia wood spring rocker

    Robinia Springers & Seesaws

    Kids using their imagination to play in a natural wooden playhouse

    Robinia Playhuts and Playhouses

    A child playing on a robinia wood playground spinner

    Robinia Spinners, Carousels & Slides

    robinia play act and learn sensory playgrounds and panels from wood reference image

    Robinia Play, Act and Learn

    children playing on a robinia themed play playground category reference image

    Robinia Themed Play

    People sitting at a meeting point with outdoor furniture made from robinia wood

    Sunshades, Furniture & Meeting Points

    Children playing on robinia wood cableways

    Robinia Cableways

    Children engaging in stimulating play with wooden play panels

    Robinia Play Panels

    wooden owl custom playground robinia play sculptures reference image

    Robinia Play Sculptures

    wooden fantasy themed play structures with children

    Robinia Fantasy

    Charmed colors and flexibility in design

    With multiple color and configuration options, we offer ample flexibility to the standard fantasy-themed play structures. Available in untreated Robinia, transparent brown, or an enchanted color palette in muted green hues, these structures can be customized to fit the natural environment or the surrounding area. You can also choose a different rooftop, PE single or double slides in six standard colors, or slides in stainless steel.

    Robinia hardwood and maintenance

    Robinia is a highly durable hardwood, requiring no chemical wood preservatives. Also, Robinia requires low maintenance. Please visit our KOMPAN Master for more information on how to maintain Robinia playground structures. All KOMPAN Robinia products are available in FSC®-certified wood (C004450).

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