Les structures de jeux offrent des possibilités infinies d'excitation, de vitesse et de mouvement pour tous les âges. Les structures permettent également quelques instants de repos et de socialisation. La gamme d'équipements de jeu KOMPAN MOMENTS™ est conçue pour les tout-petits, les enfants d'âge préscolaire et scolaire.

Explorez la catégorie MOMENTS™

pre-school children in a kindergarten playing on MOMENT play system

MOMENTS™ MINI Petite enfance et maternelle

pre-school children sliding on MOMENTS playground system in a park

MOMENTS™ Les maternelles

children in a park playing on MOMENTS play system for school-agers

MOMENTS™ Les primaires

MOMENTS™ Jeux-thématiques

    Explorez nos systèmes de jeux

    children playing and sliding on moments playground system


    MOMENTS™ Jeux-thématiques

    school agers playing on thrilling play tower in schoolyard


    Tweens playing on GALAXY play system in a school yard.


    Children having fun on a ship themed playground in a public park

    Les bateaux

    Children playing on a castle themed playground in a park

    Les Chateaux

    simple play tower in a park with options of customisation

    SIMPLY Play

    Toddler climbing on a play system designed for toddlers

    Systèmes de jeux pour tout-petits

    Aire de Fitness

    Besoin de conseils pour aménager une aire de fitness plein air ?

    personnes planifiant une aire de jeux

    Contactez-nous aujourd'hui

    Veuillez remplir vos coordonnées et nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais.

    Is colour important in a playground?

    Colour is important for all ages - green can suggest balance, red can indicate excitement and yellow is happy so we use these colours within our range and strong colours can help children distinguish between objects.

    What is the lead time on equipment?

    Lead time is approx 4-6 weeks and our contracts department will keep you updated regarding delivery changes.

    Where do I start when picking equipment?

    Due to the extent of our range of equipment it can be hard to decide on what suits your site-our design and sales team have many years experience in the playground industry and can help you decide what suits your area and budget.

    Where do I get prices?

    Contact our office or email our office for pricing or to receive a price list.