A sustainably conscious pre-school playground
WOW: The Low Carbon Emission Pre-school Age is a sustainable playground which attracts children with its colours and materials. The many different thematised play activities call upon the children to come and play. Who doesn’t want to ride the scooter or have fun with the dolphins? The Low Carbon Emission Pre-school Age playground fits any kindergarten or park and is the best sustainable choice.
STAY: The large play structure offers many varied physical challenges such as climbing, sliding and crawling. The different Play Panels attract young children with their rich play variations and spur everything from sensory to imaginative play. Benches create the perfect opportunity for parents and teachers to relax while watching the children play.
DEVELOP: The Low Carbon Emission playground offers a large variety of play activities that help develop important life skills and improve children’s cognitive and physical development. The large play structure offers lots of physical play, stimulating motor skills. The many different Play Panels stimulate social-emotional development.
Let’s play
Gioia del movimento: capacità motorie, muscolari, cardio e densità osseaCognitivo
Gioia di imparare: curiosità, comprensione delle relazioni causali e conoscenza del mondoSocio-Emotivo
Gioia nello stare insieme: lavoro di squadra, tolleranza e senso di appartenenzaCreativo
Gioia di creare: co-creazione e sperimentazione di materialiDESIGN IDEA IS FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSE ONLY.
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