by: Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen, Sales Manager & Business Developer Sustainability, Bureau Veritas

Playgrounds with documented green benefits

놀이터 등반 구조물에 앉아 있는 어린이 6명
An increasing number of companies are having their sustainability initiatives verified by third parties, as third-party verification reinforces trust and transparency. Here’s why it’s a good idea, and how third-party verification can help you make well-informed green decisions.

Third-party verified products

Navigating companies’ various claims about climate impact has been a jungle for a long time, so companies are increasingly using third-party verified data to help. As a result, third-party verification has become an integral part of the sustainability department in many companies. And rightly so.

Beginning in fiscal year 2024, large and listed companies will be affected by the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The EU legislation requires these companies to publish regular information on social and environmental risks and to document the impact of their initiatives.

Third-party verification is key to documenting these impacts, as it contributes to trust and transparency – both within the company and externally for customers, investors, NGOs and other stakeholders.

We’ve asked Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen, Sales Manager & Business Developer Sustainability at Bureau Veritas, to impart his expert insights on third-party verifications of green initiatives.

From profit to planet

Not many years back, companies usually only documented their financial activities through the annual report. They have spent many years understanding and analysing the company’s cash flows and financial activities.

Now, there is another report to be understood and interpreted:

– Companies need to understand ESG which relates to their environmental, social and governance activities. It takes years to understand and learn the many terms and the connections between them. How do the different terms interact? Where are the interfaces? How do we best compare our data? The demands for documenting sustainability efforts are really on the rise, says Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen.

뷰로 베리타스 로고가 있는 녹색 놀이터 타워
“It takes years to understand and learn the many ESG terms and the connections between them. How do the different terms interact? Where are the interfaces? How do we best compare our data? The demands for documenting sustainability efforts are really on the rise.”

Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen, Sales Manager & Business Developer Sustainability, Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas

At Bureau Veritas, Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen and his colleagues help companies identify sustainability data, obtain data from suppliers, and verify and certify their sustainability data.

– As an independent third-party advisor, we assist and guide our clients on their green agenda. We help them steer in the direction they want to go, but we also have ambitions on their behalf, continuously helping them to move in a more sustainable direction.

Full circle responsibility

When Bureau Veritas verifies and certifies companies’ data, they use international standards such as ISO standards, the GHG Protocol, and life cycle analysis (LCA).

Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen highlights KOMPAN as one of the companies that have calculated and third-party verified greenhouse gas emissions on every product – all the way from cradle to gate:

– Many companies only make calculations on the company’s greenhouse gas emissions from water, electricity and operation of vehicles and machinery, says Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen, and continues:

– KOMPAN also includes the emissions that come through suppliers. So, they include the entire value chain from cradle to gate, which refers to the carbon impact of the product from the moment it’s produced to the moment it’s ready for sale. It’s complex and still unique to make calculations at such a detailed level, and it has required a lot of heavy lifting to achieve.

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“KOMPAN includes the entire value chain from cradle to gate, which refers to the carbon impact of the product from the moment it’s produced to the moment it’s ready for sale. It’s complex and still unique to make calculations at such a detailed level, and it has required a lot of heavy lifting to achieve.”

Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen, Sales Manager & Business Developer Sustainability, Bureau Veritas

“Cradle to cradle”

In the long run, Bureau Veritas aims to motivate KOMPAN to calculate the entire life cycle of the product, which in the best case is called “cradle to cradle”. At the same time, Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen believes that it is wise for a company to take one step at a time, to be sure that they have control over the calculations it is making.

– Third-party verification is a great idea if you want to gain trust or minimise the risks of being accused of greenwashing or incorrect data, for example. It’s a good way to prepare the company for the future, as the sustainability report will eventually be as significant as the annual report when investors, banks, customers and other stakeholders choose partners, concludes Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen from Bureau Veritas.

Testing for harmful chemicals

An important part of children’s development is to explore things – including with their mouths. At KOMPAN, safety is paramount when selecting and using materials for playgrounds, where children particularly use the play equipment in various ways.

KOMPAN follows the EU’s chemical legislation, REACH, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) from the USA and Safety of Toys EN71-3 in both selecting and testing materials for their playgrounds. An example is the recycled plastic material polypropylene, which undergoes thorough batch testing at an externally accredited laboratory at Bureau Veritas.

In addition to laboratory tests, KOMPAN retests materials received from suppliers, which have already been tested, to ensure that the materials do not contain harmful chemicals. This is a so-called incoming inspection, where an XRF spectrometer is used to analyse many of the chemicals in the materials.

CO2e 계산 및 뷰로 베리타스 검증이 포함된 KOMPAN 제품 시트

All KOMPAN products come with a calculation of the product’s carbon footprint. This means you can easily see a full picture of the carbon emissions generated in the production of it. You can also see the recycled content here. All calculations are third-party verified – a proof that the calculations are truthful.

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놀이터 환경의 진화에 대한 토론에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 놀이터는 어린이들에게 중요한 요소이며, 이제는 소비 후 재활용이 가능한 재료와 관행을 사용하는 방향으로 변화하고 있습니다.

이번 호에서는 이러한 소재의 구체적인 특성을 살펴보고, 놀이터 디자인에 가져다주는 이점과 이러한 소재가 전체 탄소 발자국에 미치는 긍정적인 영향에 대해 알아봅니다.

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놀이터 구성 요소에 재활용 소재를 사용하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
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놀이터의 발자국

어린이 발달에 필수적인 놀이터는 원자재 채취부터 폐기까지 상당한 환경 발자국을 남기는 경우가 많습니다. KOMPAN 친환경 책임자 Dorthe Thorup-Kjærulff가 투명성을 위한 KOMPAN의 노력에 대해 이야기합니다.

해변에서 발견한 낡은 티셔츠를 들고 있는 소녀

폐기물이 가치있는 놀이로

KOMPAN은 탄소 배출량의 약 80%가 원자재 사용으로 인해 발생한다는 사실을 인지하고, 환경 발자국을 줄이기 위한 방법을 적극적으로 모색하고 있습니다. KOMPAN의 주요 이니셔티브에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

대형 놀이터 등반 구조물에서 노는 여자아이들

지속 가능성을 높인 새로운 모습

건축가 Alexander Sundberg는 섬유 폐기물 및 소비 후 자원으로 개발된 TexMade™ 지지대와 플라스틱 대체재가 강철과 플라스틱에 견줄 만한 내구성을 자랑한다고 확신합니다. 놀이터 솔루션을 원하는 대로 다채롭게 만들면서도 탄소 발자국을 획기적으로 줄일 수 있습니다.

놀이터 구조물의 측면 패널에서 창밖을 바라보는 소녀

내구성과 안전성 모두 갖춘

섬유 폐기물로 만든 KOMPAN의 TexMade™ 놀이터 지지대는 극한의 테스트에서 내구성을 입증했습니다. KOMPAN 엔지니어 Jacob Harder는 강철이나 플라스틱과 같은 기존 소재를 대체할 수 있는 소재를 찾아야 한다고 강조합니다.

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친환경 강점이 검증된 놀이터

기후 영향에 대한 기업의 주장을 탐색하는 데 제3자 검증 데이터의 도움이 점점 더 커지고 있습니다. Bureau Veritas의 Tomas Riegels-Jørgensen은 ESG(환경, 사회, 거버넌스) 활동의 이해에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다고 강조합니다.