Playground design that supports learning and development
At Corpus Christi Primary School, the playground plays a significant part in supporting the school's values of being a nurturing place where everyone feels safe, happy and valued, and all children are supported to reach their full potential.
The design of the playground makes it easier to manage play time, and the layout supports outdoor learning. The school has experienced a significant improvement in school attendance, behaviour, and cooperation between the pupils.
"I would definitely suggest to anybody who is the headteacher of a school to do the same thing, and to provide more equipment for children to play with. It has a huge impact on attendance, behaviour, confidence, and friendship."
Head Teacher Gayle MacDonald - Corpus Christi Primary School
The learning playground
The playground is divided into different "age zones" to support the needs of younger and older students. The older students get challenged with physical play, whereas the younger students seek creative and imaginative playground equipment.
The zones are supported with highly social items of equipment stimulating creative thinking, games and social interaction. This leads to more settled class time, and children focused on learning and cooperating.
움직임의 즐거움: 운동 능력, 근육, 유산소 운동 및 골밀도인지
배움의 즐거움: 호기심, 인과 관계에 대한 이해, 세상에 대한 지식사회·정서
함께하는 즐거움: 팀워크, 관용, 소속감창조
창작의 즐거움: 공동 창작 및 재료 실험Products in this solution
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