customer case

Parc de Beauregard-Quincé

프로젝트 문의
custom playground equipment in a park in France

Case Details




Parc Beauregard-Quincé


Park&Rec + 건축가




수용 인원


Bringing city and nature together

Listed in the Supplementary Inventory of Historic Monuments, the Beauregard landscape park covers 40 hectares and is an integral part of French heritage.

We are in what is known as the "green belt" in Rennes, France. A spectacular area known for its significant focus on sustainability and, notably, biodiversity. The biodiversity Parc Beauregard-Quincé is located at the foot of a large housing area, inviting residents to catch their breath in beautiful natural surroundings. Pedestrian paths lead visitors around the large park to experience multiple botanical worlds and wildlife.

A new custom-designed playground was recently installed to attract families and encourage physical activity for children visiting the park.

Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR thumbnail ID 6c1fa012
The landscape architects found their inspiration in natural elements from the area. The park is known for its rich number of salamanders. Collaborating with KOMPAN Design Studio, the landscape architects ended up with a final playground design very close to the original design idea.
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 1 ID 6c1fa012
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 2 ID 6c1fa012
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 3 ID 6c1fa012
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 4 ID 6c1fa012
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 5 ID 6c1fa012
Parc-de-Beauregard-Quincé FR timage 6 ID 6c1fa012

Using nature as the designer

The playground design uses the sloping landscape to create extra climbing fun for the children without compromising the existing landscape.

The salamander holds play on both the inside and outside, allowing children to explore various types of play. Adventurous climbing on the outside and a calmer world on the inside with tactile and cognitive/creative play. 

움직임의 즐거움: 운동 능력, 근육, 유산소 운동 및 골밀도
배움의 즐거움: 호기심, 인과 관계에 대한 이해, 세상에 대한 지식
함께하는 즐거움: 팀워크, 관용, 소속감
창작의 즐거움: 공동 창작 및 재료 실험

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