Hill climber rope
trains cross coordination, balance and muscle strength. Cross coordination also stimulates cross-modal perception, necessary for skills such as reading.
children cooperate when rappelling together.
The fun of fundamentals make children play again and again: the Hill Climber invites and supports grappelling up steep hills. The wonderful combination of stemming the feet onto the hill, holding tight to the rope and leaning back, walking upwards is a repeatedly thrilling experience. Apart from being great fun, the combination of movement also provides great gross motor and muscle training. Hands, arms and upper body get trained when gripping the perfectly sized rope, legs get trained walking upwards, and core muscles are put to work when leaning back, tensioning the core. The motor skill training is intense: the spatial awareness, the sense of balance and the coordination come to full use. This stimulates the overall motor confidence of the child and helps train the ability to e.g. judge distances – important in street traffic.
Play value is the value gained from play, the value that makes the child “want” or developmentally “need” to undertake the activity and thus gives the play item holding power. Play value can be described very precisely in developmental terms, looking into the human physical, cognitive, social and emotional developmental stages.
259 cm
207 cm
137 cm
The fun of fundamentals make children play again and again: the Hill Climber invites and supports grappelling up steep hills. The wonderful combination of stemming the feet onto the hill, holding tight to the rope and leaning back, walking upwards is a repeatedly thrilling experience. Apart from being great fun, the combination of movement also provides great gross motor and muscle training. Hands, arms and upper body get trained when gripping the perfectly sized rope, legs get trained walking upwards, and core muscles are put to work when leaning back, tensioning the core. The motor skill training is intense: the spatial awareness, the sense of balance and the coordination come to full use. This stimulates the overall motor confidence of the child and helps train the ability to e.g. judge distances – important in street traffic.
본 제품 Double Hill Climber Rope (CRP630201)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.
Ropes of UV-stabilized PES rope strands with inner steel cable reinforcement. The polyester yarn is made from +95% post-consumer materials and is inductively melted onto each strand. The ropes are highly wear-and vandalism-resistant and can be replaced at site if needed.
The steel surfaces are hot dip galvanised inside and outside with lead free zinc. The galvanisation has excellent corrosion resistance in outside environments and requires low maintenance.
Corocord smart clamps are carefully designed in every detail to ensure superior flexibility in high quality aluminum material. The smart clamps are attached around the posts with four steel bolts. Not used attachment points are closed with PA caps.
Through KOMPAN Variant Team, you can choose between additional 7 rope colours and customize your solution. The assortment is a wide span of colours ranking from elegant and expressive black or natural and toned-down hemp colour, to a range of attractive and eye-catching signal colours.
Hill climber ropes are ideal embankment play products, usable on slopes of 20-60° and available in various lengths.
KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
재활용 소재
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