The Free Runner, designed for fun and easy exercise, enhances hip mobility, leg coordination, and core stability. Joint-friendly, it suits seniors, rehabilitation, or warming up. Offering three modes of use—alternating...
133 cm
64 cm
141 cm
The Free Runner, designed for fun and easy exercise, enhances hip mobility, leg coordination, and core stability. Joint-friendly, it suits seniors, rehabilitation, or warming up. Offering three modes of use—alternating leg movements, single leg swings, and synchronized leg motion—it's particularly beneficial for core exercises. The equipment features broad, stable foot plates and a substantial support rail, ensuring safety and ease of use for all.
본 제품 Free Runner (FSW242)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.
오래 지속되는 품질
The Steel posts are made of Ø101,6x2,0mm pre-galvanized steel tube. The posts are powder coated, corrosion class C3 according to ISO12944-2.
Safety bar is made of tubing with a diameter of 38 mm and wall thickness of 2 mm made of steel S235 with a hot dip galvanized surface treatment according to ISO1461 with a lead content below 90ppm for surfaces and for base material below 100ppm and with powder coated top finish.
The arms for the foot pedals are 855mm long, and made from ø48,3x4mm S235JR hot dip galvanized steel tube.
The product must feature an information sign with related exercises, and each exercise must feature a QR code linking to its related exercise portal in an app that offers support on the specific exercise. The sign must additionally offer a QR code for downloading the app.
Heavy duty engineered bearing system with single row deep groove ball bearings with rubber seals. The fully closed bearing construction is lifetime lubricated and maintenance free.
Footholds of 19mm EcoCore™ HDPE. EcoCore™ is a highly durable, eco friendly material, which is not only recyclable after use, but also consists of material produced from +95% recycled post consumer material from food packing waste.
CO₂ 배출량
KOMPAN의 제품 및 지속 가능성 데이터 검증은 고객이 Bureau Veritas가 검증한 방법을 기반으로 정보에 입각한 지속 가능한 구매 선택을 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
총 CO₂ 배출량(kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
재활용 소재
이러한 요소에 적용되는 전반적인 프레임워크는 "제품의 수명 주기에 대한 환경 정보를 정량화하여 동일한 기능을 수행하는 제품 간의 비교를 가능하게 하는" 환경 제품 선언(EPD)입니다(ISO, 2006). 원자재부터 제조(A1-A3)에 이르는 전체 제품 단계에 전과정 평가 접근법을 적용합니다.
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