The Single Slide is a playground classic. It is fun play and children can't wait to try it out, again and again. Looping the stair and the slide, apart from being fun, is great cardio training. Furthermore, children train their turn-taking skills and their empathy when waiting for others, who may be less courageous or fast. When children slide, they train their core muscles, sitting upright while sliding down. This stimulates trunk stability, important for avoiding back and neck pains – a growing problem in children due to sedentary lifestyles. It additionally trains the sense of balance, fundamental for other motor skills. Climbing up the ladder to the Single Slide, children their cross-coordination. The training of cross-coordination Is important for the cooperation of left and right brain side. This cooperation is used for instance when children read. A great activity which is fun a stimulates basic physical skills.
본 제품 Single Slide 1.8m high (NRO302)은 KOMPAN 대한민국에서 제공합니다.