KOMPAN Outdoor Fitness App

Woman using the KOMPAN Fitness App to scan the different exercise movements

A Connected Experience

The KOMPAN Outdoor Fitness app is the ideal digital personal trainer to kickstart your exercise journey. The app also teaches you how to use the equipment and keeps you motivated. It’s an online exercise guide for all ages, fitness levels and experiences.

  • See videos of exercises for all types of equipment

  • Get workouts for different goals and levels

  • Find the nearest fitness site on the map

  • Connect to cardio equipment and save your data in Google Fit or Apple Health

나만의 디지털 트레이너


KOMPAN Fit 앱을 사용하면 가까운 피트니스 공간을 찾거나 야외 운동 효과를 극대화할 수 있는 맞춤형 운동법을 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Woman using the KOMPAN Fitness App to scan the different exercise movements

Inspire, motivate and guide users

Create popular fitness sites

Getting people active in the outdoors doesn’t just come with installing the right fitness equipment in the right area. You also need to find ways to inspire, educate and motivate them to come to the fitness site and stay there.

The KOMPAN Fit app is designed to do just that by being a digital guidance for users of all ages and fitness levels. It guides users on how to use the equipment, what exercise programme to use and acts as that personal digital trainer people need to get started and stay motivated.

최신 피트니스 뉴스

뉴스, 영감을 주는 콘텐츠, 할인 혜택 등을 받아보세요.

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아웃도어 피트니스 장비는 크게 10가지 이상의 카테고리로 나뉩니다. 아래에서 살펴보세요.

피트니스 패키지

people using outdoor cardio machines top slider image

유산소 운동기구

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크로스 트레이닝

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원목 피트니스

피트니스 놀이터

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표지판 & 액세서리