Play Solution
To be an astronaut, one has got to be in great shape. The Space Travel theme calls upon children to come and be physically active spinning on the planets, climbing on the structures and jumping from star to star. The Space Travel playground also inspires conversations about space, the physics of space, gravity etc. As the majority of play takes place at ground level, or close to ground level, children with disabilities can be part of the play. The many different activities in this design will make this playground an active place to play. Not only can it activate many children at the same time, the many social and physical challenges will also keep them active for a long time.
Freude an Bewegung: Motorik, Muskeln, Kardio und KnochendichteSozial-Emotional
Freude an Bewegung: Teamwork, Toleranz und ZusammengehörigkeitsgefühlKognitiv
Freude an Bewegung: Neugierde, Verständnis für kausale Zusammenhänge und AllgemeinwissenDieses Design ist nur für Entwurfszwecke gedacht.
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