White paper
Spin to Think: How Good Balance can Impact Cognitive Function
Spin to Think: How Good Balance can Impact Cognitive Function
New research shows that it is not merely children’s bodies and their sense of balance that benefits from spinning. A great sense of balance can also affect learning and positively correlates with mathematical skills.
Download this white paper to learn:
What spinning can do
Why spinning equipment makes playgrounds more popular
The impact of spinning on children's development, both in general and specifically considering skills fundamental for maths
In addition to this, you'll get 5 top tips on how to motivate spinning for all when designing playgrounds.
5 Tips for Motivating Spinning for All in Playgrounds
Offer spinning equipment for all ages, considering toddlers as well as older children
Make sure to have spinning equipment available for all abilities, including wheelchair users
Offer both individual spinning equipment and equipment for group spinning
Offer progressive rotations, from slower to more vigorous spinning
Vary body positions used when spinning: standing, seated, lying down, etc
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