Customer Case

Aurasaurus Playground

Custom rope playground in Australia picturing an orange and blue dinosaur

Case Details




Stockland Aura

age group


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The Aurasaurus: Where Imagination Meets Play

A playground can boost and grow a community like no other by bringing children, teenagers, and families together to interact and have fun! At the residential area, Aura, amazing open spaces are one of their key pillars to create happier and healthier communities. The Aura-Saurus is no exception!

This playground is truly unique, and since its opening, it has been super popular for the nearby families in the area. The rope structures and many colours played a big part in the design process, and the result WOWs parents and children alike. The dino is not all looks, it's packed with play options, making the children stay for longer to play and have fun with friends.

Aurasaurust thumbnail image ID 608e1d05 411057f4 dcc05e92
"The shadows were really cool. At first, I thought I was just seeing things. And I was shocked. That was so cool. I've never seen that in a park before"

Mia - Playful Child

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A playground just as fun as it's beautiful

Children of various ages can enjoy this playground and feel a sense of achievement as they progress through the dinosaur, whether entering through the head and down the tail or climbing directly up the belly of the beast.

Designed with a strong Jurassic theme, the play area includes a custom Corocord dinosaur with a climbing net and a thrilling slide. The playground sculpture has sensory play elements near the ground to engage smaller children and a toddler’s dinosaur egg playhouse and relaxation area with hammocks.

Joy of movement: motor skills, muscle, cardio and bone density
Joy of learning: curiosity, understanding of causal relationships and knowledge of the world
Joy of being together: teamwork, tolerance and sense of belonging
Joy of creating: co-creation and experimenting with materials

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