Case Details
AVID Property Group
Age group
User Capacity
Adding value to the neighborhood
The family unit is precious, the hub of a society, it is central to turning a group of people into a community. Developers for a new town in Queensland, Australia recognized this even before they set their architects to work. Essential in the very first plans for Brentwood Forest was not just a playground, but a focal point to serve the entire community. The result, a playground with an outdoor fitness area integrated, almost seamlessly, so that everyone could benefit from the facility and even more so, from the environment created by simply being together, like a family. Including such a community centerpiece to a new neighbourhood adds value for the developer and helps attract families to a newly established residential area.
It's brought the community together. We've got fantastic feedback to all the different uses within the park, and it's been a fantastic gathering place for the whole community.
Peter MacLeod, Development Manager, AVID Property Group
Ageless Design
Childhood has a clock ticking away at its precious timeline, but the developers of Brentwood Forest have found that the desire to play knows few age boundaries. The adults watching their children in action at Tucker’s Family playground can’t resist the desire to try things out, in particular the massive tunnel slide. Play for children is a mixture of fun and thrills, of pushing personal boundaries, and the designers at KOMPAN constantly set new limits, safely raising the bar. The thirty foot climb to the Corocord Quad Cube Tower slide’s entrance has proven to be too much of a temptation for everyone – good design is ageless.
Joy of movement: motor skills, muscle, cardio and bone densityCognitive
Joy of learning: curiosity, understanding of causal relationships and knowledge of the worldSocial-Emotional
Joy of being together: teamwork, tolerance and sense of belongingCreative
Joy of creating: co-creation and experimenting with materialsProducts in this solution
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