Play Solution
The Wild Jungle is designed for a natural atmosphere. The gentle, wooden look allows this play design to fit into and enhance any nature setting or even help bring a natural feel into an urban environment. The jungle theme inspires children’s natural instinct to play. The versatile play options keep children occupied for hours on end. While the children play and have fun, their skillsets develop from the many different types of play - physical, social and cognitive. The children train their sense of balance, their cross-coordination and social emotional skills while having fun. Many of the activities and the playground layout include children from 2 to 12 years and of all abilities.
Gioia del movimento: capacità motorie, muscolari, cardio e densità osseaSocio-Emotivo
Gioia nello stare insieme: lavoro di squadra, tolleranza e senso di appartenenzaCognitivo
Gioia di imparare: curiosità, comprensione delle relazioni causali e conoscenza del mondoProdotti in questa soluzione
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