customer case

King's Kindergarten

wooden playground sculpture looking like a big bear in kindergarten in China

Case Details




King's Kindergarten

Age Group


User Capacity


Unique playground for a modern learning environment

The bespoke Bear wooden play sculpture was selected for its symbolic representation of being endearing and mild-mannered. It greets the youngsters daily with boundless play possibilities and tests their abilities and bravery with diverse means of reaching the summit.

The 2000 square metre kindergarten is fashioned in collaboration with Manfred Yuen from GROUNDWORK architecture. And the 6-metre-tall bear is crafted from Robinia wood as it harmonises with the design concept of the edifice.

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There is a little kid hiding in everyone’s heart and they want to climb and play freely. KOMPAN Robbi bear makes it possible for kids living in the urban environment to get the chance to play and laugh as a kid. In addition, kids develop a variety of abilities while playing.

Chengxiang Zhuang, School Manager

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