Modern, Geometric Design

Geometric playground climbers attract children of all ages and with their architectural design they suit all types of sites.

Rope play pioneer Conrad Roland first started working on rope structures in 1971 and he strived for precise geometry - our Corocord™ Frame Nets still follow this guide and are a timeless feature in any playground.

Like all our Spacenets, these geometric playground climbers unfold a three-dimensional rope environment where children can move freely in all directions. To fully understand these units you need to try climbing one of our Frame Nets - visit our play area in Grattan Crescent Park, Dublin to experience this unique climb.

Discover our range of geometric playground climbers below

    Explore our COROCORD™ categories

    corocord domes arches spheres reference mage

    Climbing Domes & Arches

    children climbing a pyramid rope playground reference image


    corocord rope playground play towers reference image

    Play Towers

    children playing on a green corocord loops playground reference

    Loops & Frisbees

    corocord geometric dome climber playground reference

    Frame Nets

    children on a rope playground corocord sky play reference image

    Sky Play

    children climbing a corocord dynamics playground reference image


    corocord climbing nets reference image

    Monkey Trails

    preschoolers playing on a mini playground climbing trail

    Monkey Trails Mini

    children playing on playground climbing domes for small kids

    Mini Domes

    corocord early climbing for young children reference image

    Early climbing

    children playing on a rope playground bridge corocord reference image

    Play Bridges

    corocord climbing dome concepts themes ideas reference image

    Corocord Concepts

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    people planning a playground reviewing a playground site

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    A three-dimensional play universe with many options 

    We are able to provide some customisation in terms of colours and themes and because of this we can provide many different climbing options to suit your specific site. The three distinct Frame Net designs contain up to 15 rope cells and with the choice of themed panels and add-ons you can design a unique climbing frame for your play area. The COROCORD™ Frame Nets are available in 6 colour themes with the themes drawing on bright colours that appeal to children of all ages.

    With a regular rope segment length of 33 cm, our geometric climbing structures are optimised for kids from 3-8 years. As a unique benefit, the Frame Cuboctahedron has an expansive roof zone where children can socialise together, talk and relax - girls love to climb to having this social area is a great addition to encourage them. The compact design of our climbing frames is advantageous if you have site limitations.   

    If you are looking for other impressive climbing structures, check out our dynamic rope play units or pyramid-shaped climbing nets.

    If you want to learn more about our COROCORD™ frame nets, contact our team based in Galway to further discuss your options, order a brochure or learn more about our products.