customer case

Vila-Seca, Spain

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Case Details




Vila-Seca City Council


Age Group


User Capacity


Four sports areas and a playground to promote family tourism

This project focused on redeveloping the La Pineda area 5 km from the historic city centre. La Pineda has a long seafront promenade of more than 2,400 meters, one of Costa Dorada’s largest urban public spaces.

The objective of the La Pineda project was to invigorate the promenade to boost family tourism through sports and by taking advantage of the natural and maritime environment that the area already has. To further invigorate the area, access has been facilitated for citizens to arrive by bicycle or on foot and enjoy all the sports and play areas created.

The space design is inspired by marine animals found in the Mediterranean and along the Tarragona coast, as well as mosaics from the Roman villa of La Pineda.

Five activity zones

Located at the seafront promenade’s edge is an area with functional training. The main fitness equipment in this area is a combination of strength and cross training. The promenade stretch comprises five activity zones that offer adjustable training methodology, from easier to more challenging and low to high coordination complexity.

You will also find a workout pentagon set, dip bench equipment, two bars at various levels for push-up exercises, three parallel bars, a set of four steps at different heights and a bike rack.

Joy of movement: motor skills, muscle, cardio and bone density
Joy of being together: teamwork, tolerance and sense of belonging

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