Case Details




Stad Zuid-Ripley







Outdoor paradijs voor jonge sensatiezoekers

At Providence, South Ripley, landscape architects wanted to create something special, something unique. The landscape architects wanted a playground that would fit into their design line, as well as the Australian DNA of a treehouse. Both wishes were fulfilled by using the “building blocks” offered by KOMPAN, as well as through close cooperating with KOMPAN Design Studio towards a final design. The spectacular adventure playground has become a landmark for the community and WOWs everybody who drives into Providence, South Ripley. And on a great day you can find up to a thousand young thrill-seekers exploring the playground.

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Dit specifieke ontwerp komt niet recht uit de catalogus, het is een samenwerking met het KOMPAN team, Om een oplossing op maat van onze ruimte.

Gerard McCormick, Principal Landscape Architect - Cardno

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Thrilling fun

High above the ground, the Sky Walk provides young thrill-seekers with an entrance to a world of play. Due to the transparency in the rope bridges children can really experience the height and the swinging rope construction adds to the thrill. To enter one of the ‘treehouses’ children must choose between three entrances. The Spacenet entrance challenges children and trains fundamental motor skill such as spatial awareness and sense of balance. Social-emotional skills such as courage and self-regulation are also trained when having fun on the Spacenet. The children’s strenuous climb to the top is rewarded with a thrilling slide back down to the ground. If more thrill is needed, the flying fox provides children with even more fun, as well as teaches them important social-emotional skills such as turn-taking and cooperation.

Plezier in beweging: motoriek, spieren, cardio en botdichtheid
Plezier van het samen zijn: teamwork, tolerantie en erbij horen

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