MUGA Solution
This schoolyard has been transformed into a hub of activity and fitness with an exciting sports area! The space offers a perfect blend of team sports and individual workouts, encouraging everyone to stay active and healthy. The multi-use game area is ideal for fostering team spirit and friendly competition, while the street workout equipment challenges physical limits. This dynamic environment not only promotes physical well-being but also enhances social skills and resilience. It’s a place where school pupils can unwind, build friendships and develop a passion for being active, making it an invaluable addition to any school.
Plezier in beweging: motoriek, spieren, cardio en botdichtheidCognitief
plezier in leren: nieuwsgierigheid, begrip van causale verbanden en kennis van de wereldSociaal-Emotioneel
Vreugde van het samen zijn: teamwork, tolerantie en saamhorigheidsgevoelToestellen in deze oplossing
Bekijk identieke of gelijkaardige toestellen zoals degene in deze oplossing.
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