
Skolen Leibengerstrasse, Tyskland

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Children playing on a rope climbing structure at school in Munich

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Ilse-Von-Twardowski-Platz skoler






Legeskulptur, der lokker børn ud for at lege

Denne store klatrestruktur er futuristisk i sit design og ser imponerende ud i skolegården, hvor den begejstrer børnene i deres frikvarter. De forskellige ruter og stier langs strukturen udfordrer børnene, mens de udforsker bevægelsen af rebene og skiverne.

Leibengerstrasse1 1925x1100
Netstrukturens levende lyse farver og arkitektoniske former tiltrækker opmærksomhed i ethvert landskab.
Leibengerstrasse2 1925x1100
Leibengerstrasse3 1925x1100
Leibengerstrasse4 1925x1100

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5+ år

181.4 m2

55 Brugere

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Vil du se flere skræddersyede reblegepladser?

Legepladsen i Futuroscope, Frankrig





Blue rope playground at Colts Canal Playspace

Colts Canal Playspace, USA

Rope playground at Helen Diller Civic Center

Helen Diller, USA

Custom playground tower, Aura treehouse in Bells Creek

Træhuset i Aura, Australien

Children playing on a rope playground in Buxton Park

Buxton Park, Australien

Pink reblegeplads ved Riverside Green i Brisbane

Riverside Green, Australien

Rope playground at Providence, South Ripley

Adventure playground in Providence, Australia

orange rope playground at Moncrieff Recreation Park

Moncrieff Recreation Park, Australien

school children playing on a green and pink custom playground tower

Yerradhang Nguru Park, Australia

Rope climbing playground tower at the Space Needle, Seattle

Seattle Center Sky Walk, USA

child with walker on inclusive playground structure at filadelfia epilepsy hospital

Epilepsihospitalet Filadelfia, Danmark

Grindsted city shopping street with rope climbing playground tower

Grindsted Gågade, Danmark

Futuristic rope playground design in Landesgardenschau

Den nationale haveudstilling, Tyskland

Huge play tower with sky walk at Lincoln Park

Lincoln Park, USA

Playground tower in Schwäbisch Gmünd with lookout to the city

Schwäbisch Gmünd, Tyskland

Girl climbing on a playground plane at Lietzensee in Berlin

Lietzensee legeplads, Tyskland

large playground rope tower in Jerusalem with jungle theme

Jerusalem Sacher Park, Israel

custom plane playground equipment in Montaudran, France

Legeplads i Montaudran, Frankrig

Et legepladstårn i et træhus midt i en park i Melbourne

Legeplads på Lincoln Square, Australien

Custom rope playground in Australia picturing an orange and blue dinosaur

Aurasaurus-legeplads, Australien