Social-emotionelle evner
balkonen understøtter interaktion og kommunikation mellem børn og voksne.
The countless play activities of the Town House with Cafe inspire children to play, move and imagine together, for long, again and again. The socialise-and explore play features on ground level, with table and bench as well as a wealth of tactile moving play details, offer countless dramatic play scenarios. the play features connect children in play under, around and on the play unit. The elevated level of the platform gives a good view from above and the high slide is an attractive and stomach tickling experience. Sliding additionally trains the children's spatial awareness, their sense of balance and their core stability. These are important fundaments in movement confidence. Thus, the Town House with cafe offers physical, social-emotional and cognitive-creative play benefits in one wildly attractive play unit that children will want to visit again and again.
Billederne er kun til illustrative formål. Der kan forekomme afvigelser.
Legeværdi betyder den værdi, man får ud af at lege, den værdi, der giver "lyst til" eller et udviklingsmæssigt "behov" for at udføre aktiviteten, og som dermed giver legeredskabet en vis styrke. Legeværdi kan beskrives meget præcist ud fra et udviklingsperspektiv, der ser på menneskets fysiske, kognitive, sociale og følelsesmæssige udviklingstrin.
502 cm
290 cm
363 cm
The countless play activities of the Town House with Cafe inspire children to play, move and imagine together, for long, again and again. The socialise-and explore play features on ground level, with table and bench as well as a wealth of tactile moving play details, offer countless dramatic play scenarios. the play features connect children in play under, around and on the play unit. The elevated level of the platform gives a good view from above and the high slide is an attractive and stomach tickling experience. Sliding additionally trains the children's spatial awareness, their sense of balance and their core stability. These are important fundaments in movement confidence. Thus, the Town House with cafe offers physical, social-emotional and cognitive-creative play benefits in one wildly attractive play unit that children will want to visit again and again.
Dette produkt Byhus med butik (PCM52321) leveres af KOMPAN Danmark.
Paneler af 19 mm EcoCore™. EcoCore™ er et meget holdbart materiale, som ikke kun kan genbruges efter brug, men som også består af materiale, der er produceret af +95 % genanvendt materiale fra fødevareemballageaffald.
Main posts with hot dip galvanized steel footing are available in different materials: Pre-galvanized inside and outside with powder coated top finish steel posts. Lead free aluminum with color anodized top finish. TexMade posts of 95% post-consumer recycled PE and textile waste.
Alle platforme er understøttet af unikt designede aluminiumsprofiler med lavt kulstofindhold og flere fastgørelsesmuligheder. De grå støbte platforme er lavet af 75 % PP-materiale, af genbrugsmaterialer, med et skridsikkert mønster og en struktureret overflade.
Rutsjebanerne kan vælges i seks forskellige farver og materialer. Lige eller buede PE-rutsjebaner, støbt i ét stykke, er fremstillet af 33 % genanvendt forbrugeraffald, som fødevareemballage, i forskellige farver. Kombinerede EcoCore™-sider og rustfrit stål. Rustfrit stål designet i ét stykke for mere hærværkssikret løsninger.
KOMPAN GreenLine-versioner er designet med ultimative holdbare materialer med den lavest mulige CO2e-udledningsfaktor. TexMade-stolpe, EcoCore™-paneler af 95 % genanvendt forbrugsaffald og støbte PP-platforme.
Vores validering af data om produkt hjælper kunderne med at træffe oplyste valg baseret på metoder, der er valideret af Bureau Veritas.
Samlet CO₂-udledning (kg CO₂e)
CO₂e/kg (kg CO₂e/kg)
Genanvendte materialer
Den overordnede ramme for disse faktorer er Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), som kvantificerer "miljøoplysninger om et produkts livscyklus og muliggør sammenligninger mellem produkter, der opfylder samme funktion" (ISO, 2006). Dette følger strukturen og anvender en livscyklusvurderingstilgang til hele produktfasen fra råvarer til fremstilling (A1-A3))
Do you want to include this specific product in your project, and are you looking for detailed material information to help you specify? We have all the documentation you need. Fill out this form, and we will contact you with the relevant information you need.
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