white paper

Mastery Through Make-Believe Play

What are the benefits of make-believe play?

Make-believe play is one of the most fundamental human behaviours, showcasing our unique ability to see one object as something else. A stick can become an ice cream cone, a stone can serve as money, and a doll can represent a baby – all while maintaining an understanding of what’s real and what’s imagined.

Also called symbolic play, make-believe play is more than just fun; it builds communication skills, supports social-emotional development, and enhances critical thinking. In this white paper, KOMPAN Play Institute explores the many benefits of make-believe play for children from early childhood through school age.

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Mastery Through Make-Believe Play

7 recommendations for inspiring make-believe play in playgrounds

  1. Choose engaging themes. Animals, houses, shops, traffic, and fairy tales reflect children's everyday experiences, making them easy to connect with and a natural spark for conversations that fuel imaginative play.

  2. Incorporate interactive elements. Features like play spheres, mirrors, bells, and music panels provide props for scenarios while fostering creativity, stimulating senses, and extending play.

  3. Combine themed settings with physical play. Springers, spinning equipment, fireman’s poles, and swings encourage movement while seamlessly integrating into imaginative scenarios, especially for older children.

  4. Create spaces for breaks and social interaction. Tables, counters under platforms, or benches near themed play areas offer natural spots for children to pause, observe, and extend their play narratives.

  5. Design for multi-child play. Play structures with multiple entry and exit points, as well as double-sided play panels, create open-ended opportunities for more children to join in, fostering collaboration and shared storytelling.

  6. Ensure accessibility and inclusivity. Providing a variety of themed, ground-level play opportunities, such as playhouses and cars, ensures that children of all ages and abilities can participate in make-believe play.

  7. Add sand and water elements. These natural materials serve as versatile props, supporting imaginative storytelling while enhancing sensory play and extending engagement (see point 2).

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