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Kilsyth Primary school


Age Group


User Capacity


Inclusive Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)

Kilsyth Primary school didn’t have a huge amount of spare ground and so the flexibility of the KOMPAN MUGA system together with our creative design team managed to create a practical and useable space for lots of children to participate in lots of different sport and leisure activities.

The MUGA is 17m x 30m, it has 3m high goal ends and 1m sides. The court needed to be very robust and quiet with the proximity to houses. The specification therefore was for an all-steel construction with HDPE backboards at each end. For larger groups, the court features basketball goals and football goals with escape hatches. Games can be played across court for smaller groups with mini goals and adjustable height basketball goals.

A polymeric surface in blue with lining out in various colours for different games really brings the facility to life and the children can really feel like they are proper sports stars playing in this arena! Surrounding the court, KOMPAN designed a four-lane running track which incorporates a short sprint track, perfect for school sports days and regular gym classes. No more dirty feet coming back into the school after playtime.

Kilsyth Primary School (9)-min
“No more muddy feet coming back into the school”
Kilsyth Primary School (5) (1)-min
Kilsyth Primary School (12)-min
Kilsyth Primary School (19)-min
Kilsyth Primary School (29)-min

Installation time of a MUGA?

The contract build took 6 weeks with work taking place over the summer holidays, the project was delivered on time and to budget. This is a facility which will support health, fitness, fun and memories for many generations of children at Kilsyth Primary School and KOMPAN have been delighted to have been chosen to deliver it.

Games area to help elevate fitness, muscle and bone strength, motor skills and cognitive function.
A safe space to help children nurture their social skills through teamwork and provide a sense of belonging. Decreasing a Child's stress and increasing their joy while on holiday.

MUGA Product Range

Explore KOMPAN products identical or similar to the ones found in this solution.
MUGA, 16x31m, HDPE


MUGA, 16x31m, HDPE

3+ years

  • +3

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Start the conversation today in acquiring innovative ideas for your business, setting you apart from your competitors! Here's how: Pick out your favourite play equipment, then send it over to us. We'll work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements, ensuring you get a play area that ticks all the boxes for you and your customers.

Kuopio, Finland


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