디자인 아이디어

스테이 핏

프로젝트 문의
A design idea of a outdoor gym for seniors and rehabilitation

야외 재활 운동

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해당 솔루션에 사용된 제품

동일 혹은 유사 제품 살펴보기
Surface Challenge 5


Surface Challenge 5

13+ Years

38.3 m2

9 이용자

  • +9

디자인 아이디어 문의

연락처를 입력해 주시면 빠르게 연락드리겠습니다.

더 많은 피트니스 솔루션

Capestone 피트니스, 호주


Customer Case

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Design outdoor of an inclusive outdoor fitness area

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design concept of outdoor cardio machines and cross training by a boardwalk

활동적인 산책로

running track at Stuytown Fitness Playground in New York

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People working out on calisthenics outdoor fitness at Freilassing Sportspark

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People working out at Henry Rolland Park outdoor fitness site

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Cross training systems in beautiful scenery at Vangsvatnet lake, Norway

보스 액티비티 파크, 노르웨이

people working out at outdoor gym at Taman Jurong Park

타만 주롱 공원, 싱가포르

community playing basked on a multi games area in Denmark

Sydbyens Bevægelses 공원, 덴마크

Cross training system and multi-court at Truchtersheim

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