White paper

Climbing activates tween girls

Two girls stitting on top of a rope course playground

How to increase tween girls' physical activity

According to WHO - a devastating 85% of tween girls are inactive! This PhD study sought to examine how playground equipment can help improve this.​

In the study, 150 tween girls were monitored on school playgrounds. The data collected is convincing. Presented with the right play activities - tween girls are in fact very active.

Download the whitepaper or watch Thea Toft Amholt talk about her full PhD project about Motivating Playgrounds.

White paper

Climbing activates tween girls

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4 considerations

4 considerations for activating tween girls on playgrounds

  1. Consider tween girls as a special target group when designing playgrounds

  2. Consider climbing equipment: Spacenets, PCM structures, and GALAXY structures

  3. Challenge the tween girls with high play equipment

  4. Consider chill areas such as platforms

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