Customer case

Central Park

Children playing on a wooden owl playground sculpture in Prague

Case Details


Czech Republic


City of Prague


Park & Rec + Architecten





Quickly! Get on board the new Owl Sculpture with a wingspan of 36 feet

The owl has landed. In Prague, one of Europe’s most cultured cities, the first of a new generation of playgrounds has been placed in Central Park. Colorful and huge, with a wingspan of an impressive 36 feet, the play sculpture is made from highly sustainable Robinia wood. The city of Prague wanted something unique and spectacular, and as soon as they saw the Robinia Owl, they instantly fell for its looks and extraordinary play features. According to the park users, the newest addition to the park has soul and is so spectacular that it makes the park special. The Robinia Owl has quickly become a huge part of the park; it belongs there and feels like it has always been there.

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This play sculpture complements the park very well, and it now belongs here. It is as if it had always been here.

David Vodrážka, District Mayor - Prague

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Fun & Challenging

The large Robinia Play Owl provides children with multiple play elements. The multiple ways to reach the top of the owl require the children to be creative in their way of thinking, should they go through the center of the owl, scale the wings or even try the difficult front. Scaling the wings or front of the owl supports muscle strength from fingertips to toes, as well as cross-coordination skills. The multiple ways of scaling the owl, allows children to grow with the playground, by starting with the most accessible access to the top to gradually working their way towards the most difficult accessway. When reaching the top, the children are rewarded with a thrilling slide down the tailfeather. The wide slide allows the children to share the thrilling slide, supporting cooperation.

Plezier in beweging: motoriek, spieren, cardio en botdichtheid
Plezier van het samen zijn: teamwork, tolerantie en erbij horen
Plezier in leren: nieuwsgierigheid, begrip van causale verbanden en kennis van de wereld

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