Design Idea
Robinia Fantasy
Play Solution
Deep in the Forest of Fantasy is a magical play space with charmed play structures. Packed with play activities, children of all ages and abilities are in for an exhilarating play experience as they explore fantasy-themed play activities. In the universe of Robinia Fantasy, children must slide, climb, hide, balance and jump to avoid an eternal no-play spell. Unbeknown to the Warlock, children strengthen their coordination and agility while venturing through the obstacles of the play structures, enabling them to resist the spell. This solution is packed with numerous play activities, challenging children on their way through the realm of fantasy, where imaginations run free.
Rörelseglädje: motoriska färdigheter, muskler, kondition och bentäthetKognitiv
Lust att lära: nyfikenhet, förståelse för orsakssamband och kunskap om världenSocioemotionell
Glädje av att vara tillsammans: lagarbete, tolerans och känsla av samhörighetKreativ
Glädjen att skapa: samskapande och experimenterande med olika materialProdukter i denna lösning
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