
The 7 best outdoor fitness sites in the world

Palestra all'aperto con macchine per l'allenamento di forza a Kypegården.

Webinar details


March 1

Ora (CET)

6:00, 10:00 e 19:00


45 minuti





Webinar description

Best practice illustrated by world-class examples. How the 7 best outdoor fitness sites in the world were created and why they are the best.

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Presented by

Rob Boogmans

Fitness Concept Director

Educated within physical therapy and personal training, and over 20 years of fitness experience, Rob is one of KOMPANs fitness experts. Rob has been a pioneer within outdoor fitness since 2008 when he founded Standing-Strong Outdoor Fitness. Rob has been a part of the KOMPAN family since 2014 when Standing-Strong and KOMPAN merged to create KOMPAN Fitness Institute, which is now widely recognized as the most innovative company in outdoor fitness.

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