1. Application

These standard terms and conditions of sale (“STC”) govern any KOMPAN A/S (“KOMPAN”) sales proposal, quotation, or other offer (“Sales Proposal”) to sell and supply by KOMPAN to a customer ( the “Customer”) of KOMPAN goods and services (hereinafter referred to as “Products”) and the assembly and installation of Products by either KOMPAN or independent contractors retained by KOMPAN to perform such assembly and/or installation (“Services”) described in the Sales Proposal that is on the face of this document or in a Sales Proposal that incorporates these STCs by attachment, reference to a copy of the STCs on KOMPAN’s website at www.kompan.com, or by delivery of a copy thereof to the Customer.

2. Acceptance

KOMPAN shall not be bound by this Sales Proposal unless and until an authorized representative of Customer unconditionally accepts the Sales Proposal and these STCs by executing and returning to KOMPAN the acknowledgement of the Sales Proposal. Such acknowledgement shall be received by KOMPAN within five (5) Business days after the date of the Sales Proposal unless the Sale Proposal constitutes a firm offer, in which case the acknowledgement shall be received by KOMPAN within sixty (60) days. Customer’s acceptance of the Sales Proposal is expressly limited to the terms and conditions contained herein and no additional or different terms shall be binding on KOMPAN unless agreed to by KOMPAN in writing either in the accompanying Sales Proposal or in a subsequent written agreement. KOMPAN hereby objects to and rejects any different or additional terms and conditions proposed by Customer in its purchase order of acceptance or otherwise, unless expressly agreed by KOMPAN in writing. Commencement of any work or of any deliveries pursuant to a Sales Proposal shall, in the absence of any written acceptance, be deemed an unconditional acceptance by Customer of these conditions.

3. Conflicts

In case of conflict between the provisions contained in the accompanying Sales Proposal and these STCs, the particular provisions in the Sales Proposal shall prevail.

4. Limitation of authority

KOMPAN’s employees or agents purportedly acting on behalf of KOMPAN have no authority orally (a) to vary, modify or waive expressly or impliedly any of these terms and conditions whatsoever or to make any oral representations as to their effect; or (b) to give advice to Customers as to the suitability of the KOMPAN’s Products and units for any specific situation or purpose. It is strongly recommended that all Customers seeking such advice should read KOMPAN’s published materials.

5. Price and payment

A. Price

The prices of the Products and/ or Services are those set forth in the Sales Proposal or, if not reflected in the Sales Proposal, are the current published prices offered by KOMPAN (“Prices”). The Sales Proposal will indicate, apart from the Prices, other charges such as transport costs, shipping and minimum insurance coverage, to the destination agreed in the Sales Proposal. Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, Prices in the Sales Proposal are net of all charges relating to sales, use or other taxes or tariffs. Any increases in these charges which may come into force after the date of the Sales Proposal shall be borne by the Customer.

B. Payment Terms

Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, invoices for payment will be issued upon acceptance of the Sales Proposal in accordance with the terms set out in the accepted Sales Proposal. If the terms of payments are not set out in the accepted Sales Proposal: (i) 50% of the Price will be due upon acceptance; and (ii) the remaining balance upon shipment in the case of the supply of Products or upon completion of the Services in the case of the provision of Services. The payment of the total value of each invoice shall be made within thirty (30) days starting from the date of invoice unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

C. Payment

Payment for Products must be made to and received by KOMPAN prior to delivery of the Products to Customer unless special arrangements are made in writing with KOMPAN. Where special arrangements are made relating to the payment for Products, notwithstanding anything to the contrary therein, no offsets or retention by Customer shall be allowed. In connection with payment for Services which are considered construction services subject to applicable laws requiring the withholding of retainage until completion of the construction-related Services, Customer may retain such applicable retainage pending completion of the Services. Interest shall accrue on all sums due and outstanding at 1 1/2% per month or at the highest rate permitted by applicable law, whichever is less. Such remedy shall be in addition to, and without prejudice to, any further damages and any other remedies for nonpayment which KOMPAN may have at law or in equity.

6. Price revision

Except in the case of prices quoted in a written Sales Proposal by KOMPAN constituting a firm offer, which shall be good for sixty (60) days from quotation, prices are subject to change without previous notice, and the Customer shall pay for all Products at the prices in effect on the date of shipment. Payment of such increases must precede delivery, and the Customer shall not be entitled to rescind the contract as a result thereof.

7. Deliveries

  • Where delivery periods have been indicated in the Sales Proposal, such periods are estimates only. Although KOMPAN will use its commercially reasonable efforts to deliver the Products promptly, KOMPAN shall not be liable for any delay (howsoever caused) or for any incidental or consequential damages arising therefrom. Customer also shall not be entitled to rescind the agreement for such delay unless expressly provided in the Sales Proposal.

  • Delivery shall be made to areas readily accessible by truck. KOMPAN reserves the right to charge extra for any special delivery requirements.

  • The carrier of the Products shall deliver them at a point reasonably accessible by truck. In the event the Sales Proposal is for Products only and not for Services, Customer shall be responsible for offloading, final moving, location, and storage of the Products after delivery. The Customer shall ensure that unloading by the carrier is not delayed. In the event the unloading of the Product is delayed, KOMPAN reserves the right to make a fair charge therefore. In the event the Sales Proposal includes Services, the terms of delivery of such Services are set out in Section 14.

  • The Customer shall indemnify KOMPAN against all damage to or delay of the carrier’s or KOMPAN’s vehicles or damage to property belonging to the Customer or to any third party attributable to accessing the Customer’s premises.

  • Delivery of the Products by KOMPAN shall be scheduled with Customer, and KOMPAN and Customer will make the necessary arrangements for delivery in accordance with such schedule. If delivery is canceled or delayed for reasons outside of KOMPAN’s control, including the Customer not being available or prepared to accept delivery when scheduled, KOMPAN may (i) take away the Products and redeliver them at a later date, charging the Customer for any additional expense thereby incurred (including temporary storage, demurrage, and remobilization).

8. Returns

Except as agreed to in writing, all items of Product returned will be subject to inspection and approval by KOMPAN prior to acceptance and will result in a restocking charge for all costs associated with the return, but not less than 50% of the full list price of such returned KOMPAN items or 75% for custom or third party items.

9. Limited warranty

KOMPAN warrants that the Product(s) described herein and delivered hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship and conform to KOMPAN’s published specifications and the other express warranties set forth in the Warranty Certificate for the Product(s). This warranty applies only if the Products have been properly installed according to the instructions provided by KOMPAN and maintained correctly according to the KOMPAN Maintenance Manual. This warranty does not cover any damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence by Customer or its invitees, normal wear and tear, surface corrosion on metal parts, discolored surfaces and other cosmetic issues or failures due to misuse or vandalism.

This limited warranty shall not apply to components which are not manufactured by KOMPAN, in respect of which, KOMPAN shall, to the extent it is able, pass on any warranty given to it by the manufacturer of the component in question. KOMPAN also warrants that any Services shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. The Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless KOMPAN against all damages, losses, costs, expenses, claims, demands and liabilities arising out of or related to the use of the Products by the Customer or its invitees and/or use or application by the Customer or its representatives of any information disclosed or provided by or on behalf of KOMPAN.

The foregoing limited warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, except to the extent that KOMPAN expressly gives any such warranty in a separate instrument executed by both the company and its customer.

10. Disclaimer of liability

The customer acknowledges that KOMPAN exercises no control over the customer's methods of selection, use, resale, installation or construction of the products sold hereunder and the customer therefore assumes all risk of liability for the result obtained from or the safety of any products sold hereunder. In particular, KOMPAN shall not be responsible or liable for, and the customer assumes. All risk of compliance with applicable governmental laws and regulations, and any incidental or consequential damages, losses, or expenses, including without limitation personal injury or property damage to any person, and whether based on warranty, contract, negligence, strict liability in tort or any other applicable legal theory, arising out of the selection, installation, inability to use, or the use of any product, whether alone or in combination with other goods.

11. Notice of claims

The Customer shall inspect the Products sold hereunder immediately upon receipt thereof. Any claim relating to the Products damaged in transit shall be made within ten (10) days by written notice to KOMPAN. Any claim relating to the quantity of Products shipped shall be made within thirty (30) days by written notice to KOMPAN. All claims other than those relating to the quantities shipped or damage in transit must be made in accordance with the conditions set forth herein. The Customer must submit claims for any

damage, defect or discrepancy in the Products supplied as follows, (a) where the damage, defect or discrepancy is visible on inspection, the receipt note must be marked accordingly with written details signed by the Customer or his authorized representative and a written claim must be submitted to KOMPAN within ten (10) days of receipt of the Product, (b) where the damage, defect or discrepancy is not visible on inspection, the claim must be made in writing to KOMPAN within ten (10) days after the Customer learns of the facts upon which such a claim is based, but in no event more than six (6) weeks after receipt of the Products. Written notice from the Customer of a claim hereunder shall be deemed insufficient and ineffective unless such notice includes a list of the identifying code marks on the outside of

KOMPAN’s shipping container or package, and unless the Customer grants KOMPAN permission to inspect such Products. Any claim not made within the time period and in the manner hereinabove set forth shall be deemed waived. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any legal action against KOMPAN relating to any of the Products sold or Services performed hereunder must be commenced within one (1) year after the Customer’s receipt of the Products sold hereunder or be forever barred.

12. Exclusive remedy

It is expressly agreed that the Customer’s exclusive remedy for a breach by KOMPAN of the Limited Warranty set forth herein or for any other claim based upon a defect in the Products sold shall be, at the election of KOMPAN, either repair or replacement of the Product or the making of a fair allowance therefore, provided that the Customer shall have given written notice of such claim within the time period and in the manner set forth in Section 11 hereof. The exclusive remedy for a breach by KOMPAN of the Limited Warranty set forth herein for Services shall be the re-performance of such Services. KOMPAN’s liability with respect to any claim whatsoever arising out of the Products delivered or Services performed shall in no event exceed the price paid by the Customer hereunder for the Products or Services giving rise to the claim in question. The foregoing remedy is agreed to be adequate and exclusive, and in no event shall the customer be entitled to any other remedy, whether for personal injury, property damage, business loss, or for any other injury or loss, or for any incidental or consequential damages, whether based on warranty, contract, negligence, strict liability in tort or any other applicable legal theory.

13. Title and risk of loss

(a) Unless otherwise expressly agreed by the parties, all Products are shipped F.O.B. destination.

(b) Unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing, all risks of loss relating to the Products are transferred to the Customer when the same are delivered to the Customer or its designated representative at the destination named on the Purchase Order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, until payment in full is received by KOMPAN, title and beneficial ownership of the Products shall remain with KOMPAN until either (i) KOMPAN receives payment in full for the Products, or (ii) KOMPAN or its agent removes the Products from the Customer’s premises.

(c) Until full payment is received by KOMPAN, the Customer shall keep and store any delivered Products in such a manner that they may be identified as being the property of KOMPAN.

(d) The Customer in entering into a contract with KOMPAN is deemed to have given its irrevocable authority to KOMPAN or its agents to enter the Customer’s property or property controlled by the Customer for the purpose of removing the goods in accordance with (b) hereof.

(e) If the Customer shall sell the Products before payment in full is received by KOMPAN the following provisions shall apply: (i) the Customer shall act as principal towards its purchaser and not as agent for KOMPAN; (ii) the Customer shall hold the proceeds of sale up to the amount due to KOMPAN under the agreement as trustee to KOMPAN; (iii) the Customer shall account to the Company for the amount so due; and (iv) until such payment to KOMPAN is paid to KOMPAN, the Customer shall retain the said amount in a separate account to KOMPAN’s order.

14. Services, installation and assembly

(a) Except where special arrangements have been made in writing for KOMPAN to provide Services to assemble, install or erect Products sold to Customer, such assembly, installation, or erection is the responsibility of the Customer, and KOMPAN accepts no liability whatsoever for defects or damages resulting from the Customer’s assembly, installation or erection of the Products or any claims for death or personal injury resulting from any use of the Products to the extent caused, in whole or in part, by such improper assembly or the resulting defects or damages to the Products. In such circumstances, Customer shall indemnify and hold KOMPAN harmless for any liability, damages or costs arising out of or relating to Customer’s acts or omissions in accordance with Section 17.

(b) In the event the Sales Proposal includes the purchase of Services, KOMPAN or independent contractors retained by KOMPAN shall install and assemble the Products, the safety surfacing, and the civil works and shall deliver any spare parts to the extent set out in the Sales Proposal. In connection with any sales of Services, the Customer shall promptly notify KOMPAN of any existing installations such as water, gas, communications, electricity, or of any other similar communications or installations which may be affected and/or may suffer damages as a consequence of the work to be carried out at the site or premises where the Products are to be installed. Should the Customer fail to provide such information prior to the commencement of the Services or if KOMPAN or its independent contractors encounter any Unforeseen Conditions, KOMPAN shall not be held liable under any circumstance for any potential or actual damages caused to such installations. In the event KOMPAN or the independent contractor does encounter unforeseen conditions that increase the cost of installation or the provision of the Services, the parties agree to enter into a change order to amend the scope of work and/or the price to be charged therefore prior to the performance of any additional work. “Unforeseen Conditions” means any obstruction which hinders the installation of the Products or the performance of the Services associated therewith which is not visible to the human eye without physical exploration of the site and/or the subsurface conditions (including rock ledges and other underground obstructions).

(c) Upon completion of the Services, the Customer or its designated representative shall inspect the completed Services and sign a Completion Certificate provided by KOMPAN (a form of which is attached as Appendix A) and, if the Customer or its designated representative is not available to take delivery, then KOMPAN or the third party installer will send the Completion Certificate to the Customer. Should the Customer claim that the Services have not been performed in accordance with the accepted Sales Proposal, Customer shall send KOMPAN, within seven (7) days from receipt of the Completion Certificate, a notice (“Notice”), specifying in detail, the faults found in the Services. If the Customer objectively demonstrates the claimed faults, KOMPAN shall remedy the same at its own expense; if, instead, KOMPAN demonstrates that the Services were performed in compliance with the accepted Sales Proposal, the Customer shall be obligated to pay KOMPAN the costs and expenses of the activities carried out by KOMPAN to demonstrate the acceptability of such Services. If the Customer does return a signed Completion Certificate or provide a Notice within seven (7) days from receipt of the Completion Certificate, the Services will be deemed completed to the Customer’s satisfaction in all respects.

15. Specifications

KOMPAN reserves the right to vary or withdraw specifications without prior notice and at its discretion to substitute on delivery alternate components (not necessarily identical appearance) which will not affect the performance of the Product concerned. While every effort will be made to satisfy the Customer’s precise color or finish requirements (where relevant), no guarantee can be given that variations in color or finish will not occur between different components. KOMPAN shall in no circumstances be deemed to warrant that any components conform exactly to the color of any sample or illustration seen by the Customer or of any materials and units already in the Customer’s possession.

16. Compliance with laws

The Customer shall ensure that the intended use of the Products supplied by KOMPAN does not contravene any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations and applicable codes of standards organizations, and the Customer or its designated representative shall be responsible for obtaining all licenses or permissions required for such use. Upon request, the Customer shall furnish KOMPAN with certificates of compliance with such applicable laws regulations, and codes.

17. Indemnification and attorney fees

The Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold KOMPAN harmless for any liability, damages or costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees), whether arising out of a suit or claim between KOMPAN and the Customer or a third party, or arising out of or related to the failure of the Customer to perform any of its obligations or comply with any of the conditions contained herein. In the event KOMPAN has to take any action against the Customer to obtain enforcement or compliance with any of the terms or conditions contained herein, the Customer agrees to pay all of the costs and expenses of such action (including reasonable attorney’s fees).

18. Termination

(a) A party shall be entitled to terminate this agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party if: (i) the other party fails to pay any undisputed amount due under this agreement on the due date for payment and remains in default for fourteen (14) days after being notified in writing to make such payment; (ii) the other party commits a breach of its material obligations under this agreement and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of notice in writing requiring it to do so; or (iii) the other party becomes insolvent or bankrupt, a receiver is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the other party's assets or business, or the other party admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they mature, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, ceases to function as a going concern, or is the subject of an involuntary proceeding in bankruptcy or insolvency and such proceeding is not finally dismissed within sixte (60) days of its institution.

(b) Termination of this agreement shall not prejudice any of the parties' rights and remedies which have accrued as at termination and all payments which have not yet become due shall become immediately due and payable.

19. Force majeure

(a) A party shall not be deemed to be in breach of this agreement, or otherwise be liable to the other, by reason of any delay in performance, or non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder (save for obligations relating to payment of any sums due) to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to Force Majeure and the time for performance of that obligation shall be extended accordingly.

(b) For the purposes of these STCs, “Force Majeure” means any cause materially affecting the performance by a party of its obligations under this agreement arising from any act, events, omissions, happenings or non-happenings beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, war, terrorism, riot, fire, flood, or any disaster affecting either one of the parties hereto or a third party for which a substitute third party is not reasonably available.

20. Applicable law; jurisdiction

This agreement and all disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be governed and construed by Danish law, excluding its conflict of laws principles. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to this agreement, and its application is expressly excluded. The parties agree any claim or suit arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought exclusively in Danish court, located in Odense, Denmark. The Customer consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of such court.

21. Assignment

Except as provided herein, neither party may assign its rights or delegate its obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided however that KOMPAN may subcontract its obligations to perform the Services to qualified independent contractors without the prior written consent of the Customer. KOMPAN may also assign its rights and obligations hereunder to any of its affiliates upon prior written notice to the Customer. KOMPAN may also assign its rights herein to any company that acquires substantially all of KOMPAN's business to which this agreement relates upon prior written notice to the Customer.

22. General

(a) Notice

Any notice or other communication required to be given to a party under or in connection with this agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the other party personally or sent by certified mail postage pre-paid, recorded delivery, or by commercial courier, at its principal place of business, or sent by facsimile to the other party's main fax number. Any notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly received if delivered personally, when left at such addressor, if sent by prepaid mail or recorded delivery, on the third business day after deposit, or if delivered by commercial courier, on the date and at the time that the courier's delivery receipt is signed, or if sent by facsimile, on the next business day after transmission.

(b) Invalidity

If a court or any other competent authority finds that any provision of the agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this agreement shall not be affected.

(c) Entire Agreement

These STCs replace and supersede any prior communications, agreements and understandings between the parties, whether oral or in writing, concerning the sale and supply of the Products or the Services. These STCs, together with any written modification thereof signed by both parties, and the Sales Proposal to which these STCs are applicable, constitute, the entire terms and conditions constituting the agreement of the parties concerning the sale and purchase of the Products and Services identified in the Sales Proposal. All other terms, conditions, warranties, representations or others matters; whether oral or in writing are excluded and disclaimed.

(d) Waiver

A waiver of any right under this agreement is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy under this agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor preclude or restrict its further exercise. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.