Venkovní posilovací zařízení

Snadno použitelné, nastavitelné venkovní vybavení pro silový trénink s vnitřní funkčností a venkovní kvalitou

Nové posilovací stroje od KOMPAN zcela mění hru pro venkovní fitness. Nyní je možné mít plně kvalitní repliku cvičební sestavy známé z indoor fitness. Nové stroje pracují se stejnými mechanismy biomechaniky a odolnosti jako vnitřní posilovací stroje, ale přidávají nezbytné venkovní funkce, jako je bezpečnost, trvanlivost a optimalizovaná jednoduchost pro uživatele. Skvělá věc na selekčních silových strojích je, že je může používat každý. Jsou skvělé pro aktivní seniory, skvělé pro sportovce a skvělé pro lidi, kteří chtějí být zdraví a cítit se dobře. Díky řízeným pohybům a rychlému a jednoduchému výběru odporu jsou stroje bezpečné, snadno použitelné a časově velmi efektivní.

Cvičení celého těla s nastavitelným venkovním posilovacím zařízením

Pět strojů a dvě lavice představují nejoblíbenější halové stroje a jako celek pokrývají všechny hlavní svalové skupiny těla. Všechny úhly dvojčinného pohybu pro horní část těla jsou plně pokryty Chest Press, Shoulder Press, Horizontal Row a Pull down Pro spodní část těla zajišťuje Leg Press aktivaci všech svalů dolní části těla v jednom jediném cviku. Přidáním Sit Up Bench a Lower Back Bench, které se zaměřují na svaly středu těla, je celé tělo plně pokryto.

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    Inspirace pro venkovní fitness

    Using weights to build strength

    For many gym-goers, a popular way to build strength is by using weight machines. Weight machines are designed to guide users through a pre-determined range of movements, making them an excellent choice for newcomers and those who struggle with free weight exercises. KOMPAN offers a range of outdoor weight training machines, including our popular chest press machine for outdoor gyms.

    The adjustable weights on KOMPAN’s outdoor weightlifting equipment continuously challenge users as they progress with their training. Our upper body strength machines offer up to 80kg of resistance, and our outdoor leg press machine packs 130kg. The adaptability of these products means they're suitable for users of various strength levels, making them an ideal installation for public fitness sites and private outdoor gyms.

    Even without access to an indoor gym, people find creative ways to weight train – such as doing pull-ups on playground equipment. With more people looking to incorporate strength training into their exercise regime, commercial outdoor strength training equipment is a great way to support fitness in local communities.

    Why bring strength training outdoors?

    An effective weightlifting workout can be achieved indoors. So, why take strength training outside?

    Additional Level of Challenge: Indoor gyms offer a controlled environment free from outdoor elements such as wind, heat, or rain. When you take strength training outdoors, users are exposed to an additional level of challenge that can help improve endurance and stimulate the senses. All KOMPAN outdoor strength training equipment is designed with climate-proof materials to provide a comfortable workout, regardless of the weather forecast.

    Access to Fresh Air: Outdoor workouts provide access to fresh air instead of the re-circulated air blown around gyms and other indoor environments. Fresh air increases the flow of oxygen, which in turn helps to improve energy levels. It also supports our white blood cells, the digestive system, and serotonin production. When users train using outdoor weightlifting equipment, they are improving their strength and supporting their health in other areas, too.

    Encourages Vitamin D Production: Exercising outdoors provides exposure to direct sunlight, which encourages the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is incredibly important for immune system function and can help improve the body’s resistance to certain illnesses. Not only this but vitamin D has been found to support mood regulation and may help reduce symptoms of depression. This means outdoor strength training equipment can help users strengthen their muscles and immune system simultaneously – what a win!

    Key features of KOMPAN outdoor strength training equipment

    Adjustable Resistance: KOMPAN’s outdoor weightlifting equipment is designed for users of all strength levels – from absolute beginners to experienced weightlifters. Our strength machines feature adjustable weight resistance from 5kg to 80kg, providing a progressive workout experience.

    Robust Build: Built with hardwearing materials, KOMPAN’s outdoor strength training equipment is designed to withstand tough climates. Our equipment handles are treated with a special coating to avoid excessive heat or cold, and all equipment undergoes rigorous quality testing to ensure it can withstand excessive use.

    Ergonomic Design: Fitness is not one size fits all, and we have taken many considerations to ensure that everyone has fair access to effective exercise equipment - regardless of size or ability. For example, KOMPAN’s commercial outdoor strength training equipment features a choice of grip areas to accommodate users between 140 – 205cm tall, and the height of our seats has been specifically chosen to provide easy transfer for wheelchair users. These are just a few of the ways that our ergonomic design supports a comfortable, adaptable workout.

    Looking to install outdoor fitness equipment?

    If you are on the hunt for high-quality outdoor fitness equipment, look no further. KOMPAN’s extensive catalogue offers a range of fantastic products, including outdoor street workout sets, outdoor fitness area cardio equipment, and obstacle course equipment and parts. Contact our experienced team today by submitting an enquiry form.

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