

hero of girls playing on a dinosaur shaped playground spring rider



コンパン社の歴史はスプリング・にわとりから始まりました。 真っ青なスプリングに乗った赤いにわとり。従来のシーソーに代わる、より楽しく機能的なあそびを提供する世界初の遊具デザインでした。コンパン社のスプリング遊具には様々なデザインと素材があり、安全基準や認証を満たしています。



37 products



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    Benefits of Playground Springers

    Spring rider playground equipment is more than just rocking fun. The innate attractiveness of playground springers isn't their only advantage. The rhythmic movements help stimulate language development in young children and build their understanding of causality. Our commercial spring riders for playgrounds embody this philosophy by allowing children to test themselves and develop multiple skill sets through play.

    Physically, spring riders help develop key gross motor skills surrounding balance and weight management. Whilst most time on a springer is spent sitting, the balancing skills practised can quickly translate and help with walking, running and sporting ability immediately and in the future.

    Additionally, springers' rocking motion is unique, helping young minds become accustomed to new sensations and offering a healthy platform to adapt and learn how their actions affect the wider world. Softer cognitive skills like this subliminally encourage children to challenge themselves, test their potential and thrive in the face of adversity, habits which play a massive role in future achievement and attainment.

    Safe and Exciting Play with our Commercial Springers

    The playground spring riders we helped innovate are now a staple of the school playground environment, and for a good reason. They are eye-catching and enticing springers designed to grab children's attention immediately. This natural attraction plays a significant role in the effectiveness of any play equipment, which is why spring riders continue to dominate the playground environment and remain a top choice for schools and community hubs alike. Choosing freestanding spring riders for your playground is not only a safe choice in terms of play activity, but they are also safe pieces of playground equipment. Unique anti-pinch fittings fix the springs for maximum safety, and our spring riders comply with all industry standards.

    How to Choose the Right Playground Springers

    When choosing spring riders for your public playground, consider the size of your play area, theme and capacity. Maybe you want an animal-themed playground or a racetrack theme – involve the children in your community; they are often the best designers. Placing several spring riders around a play area in a public park or schoolyard enables play activities to spread, allowing children to seek alternative play options away from more crowded play areas. This is the best option whether you have a large or small space. Mix your spring rider playground equipment with single, double or springers for four to amplify the playing capacity on your playground and other freestanding playground equipment, such as classic swings or slides. This is a combination where you can't go wrong.

    Iconic Shapes and Vibrant Colours

    You'll find many fun, quirky, playful shapes in our large selection of spring riders. Some figures are easily recognisable, while some spring animals are open to interpretation. From animal to car racing spring riders, the options are endless. Regardless of theme, children's imagination has a way of finding new and exciting purposes in their play activities: A seemingly happy and calm cat can transform into a monster cat. Just like the iconic Crazy Hen can take shape as a mythical creature from folklore. Some of our spring rider animals are available in GreenLine versions with low carbon emissions made mainly from post-consumer ocean waste. Rest assured, either of our spring riders will bring joy. They are a playground classic that children will never tire of.


    1. スプリング遊具の安全性について教えてください。


    2. スプリング遊具の耐久性と安全性に行いて教えてください。

    コンパン社のスプリング遊具はすべて業界トップクラスの保証が付いており、EN10270に準拠した高品質のばね鋼 で作られているため、耐久性に優れています。路面によって2種類の方法で固定することができます。設置方法やスプリング遊具の設置方法については、お近くのコンサルタントにお問い合わせください。

    3. ばね部分の張力は調整可能ですか?


    4. スプリング遊具の動物デザインは誰が手掛けたのですか?
