WOW! The Toddler Seat is a truly unique swing invention that makes it possible for toddlers to swing before they fully master the cross-coordination skills that conventional swinging takes. When seated, the toddler can push and pull the front chains and thus set the seat in motion. This is a fabulous event for toddlers, who have a strong drive to do things on their own, but often need help. The feeling of independence is priceless to young toddlers and it boosts their self confidence. Apart from being great fun, swinging on the Toddler Seat trains important gross motor skills such as the sense of balance when seated but moving. Additionally, it is a good way of training muscles as the trunk stability and pushing and pulling with arms all take some force. A truly socio-emotional as well as physically stimulating swing seat.
This product, Toddler Seat, 2.0m high (SW990030), is provided by KOMPAN 日本.